Also known as black rockfish cod marbled grouper marbled rockfish hind rockcod rockfish trout.
Black marbled grouper.
Brown marbled grouper epinephelus fuscoguttatus.
I will be going into more details about the giant grouper in my next article.
Roughly the same as the black grouper.
Epinephelus inermis valenciennes common name.
The brown marbled grouper is carnivorous and its diet consists mainly in fishes crustaceans and cephalopods it is an ambush predator.
Found singly in clear waters over channels around lagoon pinnacles and outer reef slopes rich in coral growth.
They feed on crustaceans and fish.
It is most common in the bahamas.
They begin life as a female and some change into males as they grow usually between two and four feet in length or 11 and 14 years old.
Black grouper grow up to five feet long and can weigh up to 180 pounds.
Shows various colors including two major phases one of which would make it difficult to tell from the black grouper were it not for the bright yellow trim.
Search for the biggest fish in the international game fish association s database of biggest fish for each species.
Black groupers do not mature until they grow past 28 inches 71 1cm landing them at sizes smaller than this may be detrimental to black grouper populations because many animals landed may not be given the opportunity.
Marbled grouper above photo is a juvenile species codes for trip ticket reporting.
It is a predatory reef fish which is found in the western atlantic ocean.
They can live up to 30 years old.
Food and bait code.
Found singly over shallow to very deep waters of coral and rocky reefs.
Also known as the black rockcod.
The brown marbled grouper can be fished in our local waters but are not very commonly seen at the wet market.
Again its preferred reef habitat is pretty much the same as that of the black grouper.
Length 150cm depth 5 250m widespread western atlantic caribbean groupers are solitary carnivores that hunt near the bottom usually.
This grouper is solitary sedentary it defends a well defined territory benthic and has an nocturnal which can be maximal at sunrise and or at sunset.
The head of a 270kg grouper can cost as much as 6000 and can feed 80 people.
The brown marbled grouper is found in the indo pacific region growing up to 100cm in length.
Black grouper must be at least 22 inches 55 9cm to land recreationally and 24 inches 60 0cm inches to land recreationally.